This scenic trail takes you on a journey through history, following an historic 19th-century carriageway and a segment of the South West Coast Path. As you traverse some of the highest and most dramatic cliffs in England, prepare to be awestruck by breathtaking views along the coast and across to Wales.
Time: 2.5-3 hours
Distance: 6 miles
Route: Challenging

The Route
Start: Heddon Valley National Trust Shop, grid ref SS655480
With the shop on your right walk down the road towards the Hunter’s Inn. You will reach a junction where you need to turn right, and then left down the bridleway at the side of the inn. When you reach the fork in the road take the right hand side path signposted ‘Woody Bay 2 3/4 miles’. Follow this track ‘The Carriageway’ along the cliffs to Woody Bay.
As the Carriageway climbs around the headland above Heddons Mouth & Highveer rocks carry on straight up.
You will soon have Woody Bay, Valley of the Rocks, Lynmouth Bay & Foreland Point in view. Keep an eye out for the signpost on your right leading to Martinhoe Roman Fortlet, take a look and return to the main track.
Continue towards Woody Bay & pass through the gate in West Woody Bay Wood.
Keep straight on the carriageway till it meets the road on a sharp hairpin bend. Turn left and continue down the hill, after you pass a national trust car park turn left (shown as a dead end) into Woody Bay.
At the very sharp right-hand bend in the road you will see a signpost on your left ‘Coastpath Hunters Inn’, this will get you back onto the South West Coast Path. Follow the path up the steep cliff and pass through the gate into the wood.
Continue on the footpath, it will turn back up Heddon Valley along the side of the combe.
Follow the path down hill to a signpost for the beach, you can detour here to see Heddon Mouth beach or turn left to continue along the South West Coast Path back to Hunters Inn, follow the signs back to Hunters Inn and NationalTrust gift shop.