At Arlington Court, you can immerse yourself in nature by visiting the bird hide and heronry. This delightful experience awaits
you during the lake walk, which is the most popular and well-established trail within Arlington Court’s beautifully designed landscape.
Time: 1 hour
Distance: 1.8 miles
Route: Easy

The Route
Start: Outside National Trust’s Arlington Courts old kitchen tea-room, grid ref SS611405
For this walk you need to follow the red arrows on the signs around Arlington. From the tea-room you need to go down the tarmac road sign posted Lake & Wider Estate. You will reach a set of gates with herons on top, keep left and follow the track down Monkey Puzzle Avenue.
Keep on the track & through the next gate, you will see a large information board on your left, carty on the track for another 500meters.
When you reach the junction of two paths follow the red arrow to the right of the lake.
Walk alongside the lake, cross the dam and then bear left.
Continue on the track for 200m and then turn left across the smallacombe Bridge in the parkland.
Continue on track through parkland and bear slightly right up the hill. When you reach the gate at the bottom of the wilderness you need to follow the path up hill, keeping left at the first junction.
Carry on up hill until you emerge into the main garden next to the large pond near the church.
From here you can walk back across to the tea-room.
Follow the track until you reach Smallacombe bridge, do not cross the bridge, carry on towards the lake & turn right across the dam.
After dam bear left alongside the lake, the track will begin to slop upwards.
Carry on up the slope for 400m, there will be 3 gates to pass through and you will end up on the main drive that winds its way back up to the tea room.