Take a stroll through the mist-kissed woodlands of Arlington Court, where the graceful deer tread softly on dew-laden paths. This walk will take you through ancient woodland parts of the area designated a wildlife reserve.
Time: 2 hours
Distance: 3 miles
Route: Moderate

The Route
Start: Outside National Trust’s Arlington Courts old kitchen tea-room, grid ref SS611405
This walk is well signposted using the green arrows. Follow the green arrows through the garden and up to the stables and carriage museum. When you reach the gate for the stable yard look for the wooden sign with green arrow directing you to the Deerpark Wood.
Follow the track and bear right through the woodland, you will energe next to the sawmill.
Turn right to follow the path to a gate through the woodland into a field. Once through the gate bear right and follow the fence down the hill to the two gates.
Through the left hand gate & follow the path to the left. Follow the track down the hill, you will walk a sharp left hand turn and then you will reach a gate into the top of Deerpark Wood.
Bear left down a steep path, at the fork take the right hand path down the hill. Stay on this path until you reach Tuckers Bridge. At the bridge turn right and cross the bridge, bear right after the bridge and follow track towards the lake.
Follow the track until you reach Smallacombe bridge, do not cross the bridge, carry on towards the lake & turn right across the dam.
After dam bear left alongside the lake, the track will begin to slop upwards.
Carry on up the slope for 400m, there will be 3 gates to pass through and you will end up on the main drive that winds its way back up to the tea room.